Merry Christmas to all our friends and family!

Ryan is 4 years old, in preschool, and the official family clown. He loves to make everyone laugh. People always tell us how entertaining he is. (I think that's code for "naughty") We love him and our family wouldn't be complete without Ryan.

Ella is 6 and in all day kindergarten. She is the family sweetheart. She is 100% girl from head to toe. She loves makeup and nail polish and prefers skirts to anything else. She is also our feistiest kid. Don't cross this girl!

Olivia is 10, in the 5th grade and is turning into a beautiful young lady. She is an extraordinary help to me and we are grooming her to take over as our babysitter for date nights. She loves writing, drama and hanging out with her friends.

Ethan is 6 and is leading the class in all day kindergarten. He keeps everyone in check at home as well. Nothing gets past Ethan. He is alarmingly bright and insightful, but continually seeks validation by asking "Right?" to everything. It cracks us up.

Travis and I are celebrating our 14th anniversary this month. We've been together for 18 years. Wow! That means we've been together longer than we haven't. (does that make sense?)

10. Our family grew by one this year...a guinea pig conveniently named, "Little Piggy."
9. Speaking of pets, we hold the family record for shortest dog ownership. Rusty, a 130 pound 7 year old golden lab lived with us for 8 weeks before we found him a new home. He kept trying to eat our cat and dragged me around the neighborhood on walks. Our next dog will be much smaller.
8. May marked the 4 year anniversary of Ella's fight with Leukemia. She is wonderfully healthy and continues to receive clean bills of health on her check-ups.
7. Travis and Andrea mourned the cancellation of the season of "24." We're jazzed it returns in January.
6. Andrea left Travis and the kids behind for a 5 day trip to the Caribbean with her dental office. She got to scuba dive in Cozomel and eat nothing but dessert for 5 days straight.
5. With the troubled economy, Travis started doing bankruptcy law. It's new and different, but it's not brain surgery. He would know about that since he had it in July and just completed radiation for a brain stem tumor.
4. This the first year in too many to count that no one is in diapers. Now if we could just get our boys to stop the bed-wetting!
3. Andrea ran her second marathon and shaved 30 minutes off her time. She is considering long-distance running retirement.
2. Record-breaking (for us) 3 trips to Disneyland. We had annual passports and got our money's worth.
1. Three kids in school all day!
We wish you every happiness and joy this beautiful Christmas season. We are learning the power of love and contentment in our lives. Our faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ, is deeper and stronger than ever. We are living each day with gratitude for the gifts we have. The gifts of love and friendship are the ones we treasure most.
We send our love to all of you this splendid Christmas!