I've been in a blog slump........overwhelmed with life, I guess. A few friends have commented that I need to update. I couldn't agree more. Our family has had many experiences over the past couple months that are quite note-worthy, in my opinion. So here goes.......
Father's Day
What a happy bunch. Ruby the dog, was sitting at the end of the bed all propped up in a funny pose. It made everyone laugh SO hard.

A few weeks later he lost his other one. No more "Snaggle-Tooth." He won't miss that nickname.
Ella did a summer theatre camp called "That's Entertainment." She loved it. Travis and I were so impressed with how well she did on stage. She loved being up there! She was so animated and cute. She knew all the words and choreography. I loved watching her practice the songs at home with the CD they gave her. Ella is the last one on the top right.
Ella with Miss Jenee. I have known Jenee since junior high. She is a very talented lady!

Ella's cheering section: Ryan, cousin Parris, cousin Miah and Ethan.
3rd Annual Memorial Day Campout
Grandpa Adams cooking breakfast in his "kitchen." He always makes a hearty breakfast with pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, hot chocolate. He is literally Grizzly Adams and makes the trip so nice.

Ethan and Ella at their school program. They sang patriotic songs and poems. My favorite was "50 Nifty United States." They know all 50 states and in alphabetical order!
Ethan and Ella with their teacher, Ms. Matthew.
Ethan was awarded top Spelling and Math student in his 1st grade class.
Ryan graduates from Preschool:
Ryan has the best year with his buddies: Lincoln, Ryan M. and Sam. Miss Christi called them the "Party Bus" because we carpooled them all together each day. They had so much fun together!
Travis took a fly-fishing trip with a few friends down the Lower Sacramento River. The fishing was just okay but the trip was a great one for Travis.
On the second day, the girls went shopping and left the guys at the house. After an hour, they called and said Greg needed Jen. We knew something bad happened. Apparently, Mark decided it would be fun to jump off the roof into the "play" pool. He did so successfully, so Greg followed after him. He wasn't so lucky.
What happens in Vegas does NOT always stay in Vegas!!!!
An update on our "Little Piggy." (not so little anymore) We are seeing how fat we can get him.
Ethan playing his first season of coach pitch baseball. He loved it!
Mother's Day.....
Next to my birthday, this is my favorite day of the year. Breakfast in bed, long nap, gifts. Travis and the kids take such great care of me. I received homemade gifts, cards and presents from Anthropologie. Way to go, babe! This is not Travis' favorite day. It's hard work but I appreciate and love every second of it. Love you, honey!
Olivia entered a local Cinderella Pageant. She did so well! She was beautiful and poised on stage. She played a piano piece, "Clare de Lune" by Debussy. She won runner up to top talent.
She was so confident on stage. I was so proud of her!
Her best friends came to support her: Kylie, Emily, Megan and Hannah.

BYU Women's Conference
I was lucky enough to get to go to Utah for Women's Conference on BYU campus. I love being in Utah. I grew up there and it is a very nostalgic place for me. It was unseasonably cold and snowed on us. This is the last day and the only day I remember seeing blue skies. Isn't Mount Timpanogas amazing? I miss those mountains.
I met up with my mom near the end and went to a couple classes with her and her old BYU college roommate from over 40 years ago, Rose. They have kept in touch all these years!
I am so grateful for the experiences I get to have with my family and friends. I am so blessed.
I can't wait for the rest of the summer. We have lots more fun planned!