Ella is a Wish Kid.
A while after she was diagnosed with Leukemia, we found out about Make a Wish Foundation. She obviously qualified for this with a life-threatening illness. In January of 2006 our family took a wish trip to Orlando to spend a week at Disney World. It was an incredible experience, not just being at Disney World with all expenses paid but The Wish Foundation made it completely unforgettable and magical for all of us, especially Ella. It was a first rate trip with perks you can't get any other way and we love having that memory.
We still have opportunities to enjoy some of the perks of Ella being a Wish Kid. We've been to Disney on Ice and had several offers to free events through Make a Wish because of generous donors. So Tuesday I get a call from Mark down at Make a Wish and he offers me Diamondback tickets for the night. I thanked him but told him no thanks. (we get tickets fairly frequently so it's not the biggest novelty to see a game) He told me these tickets were special and he'd only just gotten them. They were in the owners section on the field and included all the food, drinks, treats, etc. that we wanted for free. We had a parking pass in the garage and came in through the bridge and entered a "special ticket holder" only section.
This changed everything. Of course we were thrilled to have this once in a lifetime chance to see the game in that way. The kids loved every bit of it, especially the food! They each were given a foul ball by one of the employees. He was so kind! I am probably ruined to ever sit anywhere else. It was AMAZING!!! We sat right behind the home plate. We could see everything going on up close and personal! It was seriously such a thrill and I don't even really like baseball........
Ella was in heaven and knew we were there because of her. She said, "This is my lucky day!" Thanks Make a Wish, for continuing to wow us with magical experiences.
Ryan's first day of Preschool with Miss Christi
He's waited all this time.....the other kids have been going to school for the past month. Now it's his turn to go back to school. He was so excited. He started with a new teacher for his last year of preschool. He gets to be with 5 friends from our ward. He loves everything about it. He loves that he gets to bring his foul ball to show and tell and treats for his 5th birthday on Friday. He loves that he's with his best buddy, also Ryan. He's my baby and I can't believe what a sap I am for saying this, but I don't want him to get past this stage too quickly. He is such a delight to hang out with during our days when the other 3 kids are in school. It's our special time and I truly enjoy it.