We have a special Williams Family tradition. It is SERIOUS and UNCOMPROMISING.
We take the kids to Disneyland every fall. It's just something we always do. It started when the twins were about 12 weeks old and we don't consider missing it. Travis described it best when he said that going to Disneyland in November is the best because it combines two of his favorite things- Christmas and Disneyland.
The Christmas decorations are all up and Christmas music plays throughout the park. It snows on Main Street during the parades and the characters are all dressed in their Christmas best. It's hard not to get swept up in the spirit of the season.........it is such pure bliss of our whole family.
We stayed 3 days this time........ barely enough time to get our fill. But we enjoyed every moment and love the memories it creates for our little family.

Our first morning on Main Street. So festive! We were so excited!
Travis' favorite ride is the Matterhorn. It's taken some coercing but we can get all the kids on it now without crying involved. The compromise is that we cover Ella and Ryan's eyes during the snow monster part. It really scares them.
Ryan is not too jazzed but we bribed him with a "special" treat if he went on the ride.Olivia is a pro.
Ella was completely enchanted by the characters, especially the fairies. There is a new exhibit called Pixie Hollow where you can visit the fairies. We waited almost an hour for this. (the longest we waited for anything that week) Ella loved Tinkerbell and Terrance from the latest movie "Lost Treasure."

She also met Rosetta, another fairy.

Of course, she was thrilled to get a moment with Minnie Mouse.

Ella and Ryan both were happy to see Pluto.
Ryan is on a "Cars" kick. He has a Cars racing jacket and was only too happy to hang out by "Lightning McQueen."

Olivia is a pin collector. She wears them and trades with Disney employees in the park. She always get a new one on each visit.

Travis and the kids on Grizzly River Run. Notice that I'm NOT on the ride. I rode it once and that was good for me. I usually get soaked.

Mickey's Fun Wheel is a family favorite. We always sit in the ones that swing around. It's fun but a little bit scary. (I get scared) It's a combination of the height and swinging........UUUUGH
We all love the treats.....the cotton candy, churros, ice cream, pizza, Coke. We eat so junky when we are at Disneyland. It's crazy!

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Another family favorite......

The biggest shocker for me was Ethan and Ella fell in LOVE with California Screamin'. It was the first time they were tall enough to ride and this ride was their absolute FAVORITE! It's all they wanted to ride. They asked over and over to go ride it. Finally on the last day we let them ride it about 5 times each. They got in the single rider line and just rode it over and over. It cracked us up. No fear. None.
What a great time we all had. It's something we do with our kids that we all love and will always enjoy doing together. We LOVE our Disneyland tradition. Travis and I are the biggest kids of all and plan to go alone in a couple of months. (Yes, without the kids) We can't wait!