With Thanksgiving only days away, I have been thinking a lot about what I am thankful for. There has been lots of talk of gratitude lately......church lessons, general conference talks, stake conference addresses.
Someone once told me that saying "thank you" is one of the most important words spoken.
I agree. I heard a quote by Pres. Monson that said, "Often we feel grateful and intend to express our thanks but forget to do so or just don’t get around to it. Someone has said that “feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
I want to express some of the things I am most grateful for:
My husband, Travis.......
I am so blessed to be married to this man. He is my best friend and the one person in the world I always want to be with. I love him and love spending time with him, I never tire of it. After almost 20 years together, that says A LOT.
Here we are in Vegas in September...
We also went to Disneyland to make use of our soon to expire annual passports. Just the 2 of us. What a blast!
My family means everything to me. Here we are at the temple grounds of the Gilbert Temple:
This may sound odd to express but I truly feel blessed for the talents and abilities that I've been given.
My sister hosted a baby shower for her sister-in-law and the theme was "Sock Monkey."
I volunteered to make sugar cookies......I didn't realize I would have to attempt to make them look like the themed monkey!
Jamie was sweet to point out that this is a talent I have. I love to cook and bake and I guess it can be considered a talent. Might I mention that my husband didn't have so much faith in my "decorating" ability. He told me I'm a good baker, just not so experienced with the decorating. He recanted after I proved him wrong.
My crazy crew on Halloween...
I am thankful for my wonderful church ward.
We had such a fabulous ward Halloween party. It's an annual family favorite!
I am thankful to be able to have FUN with my family.....
We took the kids to Disneyland for Fall Break. I am so thankful that we can do this each year with our kids. They love it and look forward to it all year. It brings us closer together.....
I love this picture of my boys in an embrace.
Ethan in full Disney gear....Goofy hat, pin lanyard and of course, an ice cream bar. I complain to him, but I love how messy he gets when he eats ANYTHING. Such a sweet boy.

I am thankful for my tween, Olivia. She is such an amazing young woman. Despite my flawed parenting, she is turning into a little lady any mom would be proud of. I am thankful for her kindness, goodness and all the unique qualities that make her my Livi Lou.
I just adore my sweet Ella. She is such a girlie girl. She loves music, dancing, singing and all things girlie. I am especially thankful for her life. She is a miracle. I am thankful for the great annual checkup she just had. The specialists at Phoenix Children's Hospital are amazed with her resilience and good health. She is my reminder that Heavenly Father performs miracles.

I am thankful for our little dog Ruby. She is such a delight in our family. I just love her!
I am thankful for the Gospel, my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I am thankful for opportunities to work in the Church and serve such amazing people in my ward. After 9 years in the ward, they are honestly my extended family.
I am thankful for the Young Women of my ward. I was blessed to serve them the past year and a half, mainly the Beehives. (12-13 year olds) I was recently released and miss them terribly.
They love so unconditionally and taught me more about kindness, friendship and integrity than I think I was able to teach them.