we have a lemon tree in our backyard.
it has been a good little lemon tree since we planted it 7 years ago.
the first season it gave us about 2 lemons. the next season it gave us a few more.
Then, a couple seasons later all the blossoms blew off during a terrible storm and we had no lemons that year.
but this year was different.
I wish i had a picture of all the lemons we picked......typical of me to think of these things after the fact.
we picked literally hundreds of lemons over the weekend.
it was amazing........aren't they beautiful?

travis bribed the kids to finish the job....2 dollars each. our youngest was the most motivated

if I haven't made it to your house.......i still have lots left! Just let me know how many you want!
by the way, I think my kids will be doing a lemonade stand later this week.
is it too cold for lemonade?