Saturday, March 28, 2009

health update

Friends and family are continually wondering how Travis is doing. How's he feeling? What's the latest on the tumor and treatment?.....etc. We met with our radiation oncologist last week for him to go over the MRI results from the previous week.

According to him and the entire tumor board, the tumor, as I've stated before, appears stable. That's great and exactly what they want to see. For some reason, I thought that perhaps it would have shrunk or miraculously disappeared. That didn't happen, but hopefully the tumor has been stunned into submission and will no longer grow. The doctor explained that it took a long time to grow. This means it could actually shrink over time but we may not see anything for 9-12 months. Because it is low grade, it divides and grows very slowly. The growth cycle is very slow so as cells go to divide, they will not be able to because of the radiation damage. That's what we hope for and expect.

Travis feels great. He looks great. He's still got the same symptoms on the right side of his face. They don't really bother him or affect him in any way. If the tumor were to shrink, there's a chance that his facial nerves could return to normal. But, honestly, that's not my biggest concern. He will be monitored with MRIs every 6 months. That's it for treatment. Life has basically returned to a new normal. 

I really don't dwell on the fact that Travis has a brain tumor. Many friends ask me how I function normally. Trust me, you adapt. I don't think about it constantly. We live our life, take care of the kids and our home, work, play, you know, live our life. I can't say that I don't worry. Wonder what the future holds. Don't we all worry and wonder? None of us can know for certainty. The only thing I'm certain about is that life is uncertain. In a way, it keeps me grateful, humble, and keeps me in the moment. I can only control me, the way I deal with the circumstances. My faith is strong and I have a testimony that our Heavenly Father has a plan for each one of us. This is part of the plan. I'm sure I agreed to this a very long time ago. How am I learning from it and what will I do with it? These are some of the things I think about. 


Jill Ison said...

You are such a lovely lady inside and out! I'm constantly inspired by your perky spirits. So glad to hear things are looking good for Travis :)

Broadbent Family said...

What great news! I love your outlook on things. Life is sometimes beyond our control and all we can do is stay positive and live life to its fullest. Thanks for always being a great example to Dan and I. We love you guys.

Elder Eric Hadder said...

Thank you for posting an update! We are so happy that things are going as well as to be hoped and like you said, that is all you concentrate on when you face health issues. A wise E.R. nurse told me to never borrow trouble - and she is right. You have to take one step at a time. I agree that this specific life lesson teaches you to live in the moment and enjoy all the little things. I am inspired by your family's journey- we love you guys!

Angie said...

That is great to hear that things are stable. Better to be stable than growing! Once again, I am amazed at your outlook on life and continue to be an inspiration to us all. We love you and come visit us in Utahr!

Andrea Williams said...

Utahr? I know locals pronounce things differently, but come on. When you guys moved there, you really changed. - Travis

Toby and Emily said...

I'm so glad to hear thigs are a good as can be expected. I admire you so much for your strength and courage. And you're always so happy too! You're both inspirational people!

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Honestly Andrea everytime I read a post from you I am so touched by you! You are truly one of the most amazing people that I know. Thank you so much for your example, your faithfulness, for your perspective on life and what it's all about. Thank you for sharing that with us. We will continue to pray for Travis and for your family. We are so glad to hear the news thus far. Thanks again.
Take Care,

P.S. We really do need to get together sometime. Brian would love to see you guys and visit with you both. Give us a call sometime 632-1296

Kathryn said...

I love the way you remind us all not to let our problems define us, rather, embrace life with its uncertainties and allow ourselves to enjoy the journey. No one really knows what's in store for any of us - I am just so grateful for good friends like you who make it so much more meaningful. Here's to life - lets party together like it's 1999. (tee hee) Love you!

lovinglife said...

Andrea--you are AMAZING--such a positive attitude. I just love you. I'm coming out there--I sent an email. I will call. Take care!! xoxo, Darcy

Amy G. said...

You're the best Andrea! Thank you for your incredible insights and perspective.