Thursday, May 22, 2008


Graduation time for all my cute kids......if you call the 1st of 3 years of pre-school a graduation or the 1st of 2 years of kindergarten a "graduation."  I guess it is a graduation from this year and ceremoniously sends them off to their next adventure.  I know how much my kids love all the hoop-la and attention it brings.  Olivia completed 4th grade and is going to be a big 5th grader now.  It really is hard to believe she is getting so old.  

But the real reason this has been a heavy week is not about all the kids and their graduations. 
It's about my dear husband.  Let me fill in some history and details to bring you up to speed.  A few months ago Travis noticed that the right side of his face was a little droopy and felt "funny." He saw the doctor who quickly said it looked like Bells Palsy and would resolve on it's own within a few months.  We didn't think too much of it.  It was more of an annoyance to Travis but we weren't too concerned.  That was about 6 months ago and it hasn't gotten any better.  He got a referral to a neurologist and had some blood work done and did an MRI on Monday. Originally they couldn't get him back in to go over the MRI for 2 weeks but then called the next day to say that they could see Travis on Thursday afternoon.  By Wednesday afternoon Travis was feeling anxious and called to see if the doctor would tell him what was going on. The doctor called back about 40 minutes later and told Travis that the scan didn't look good.  It is most likely a slow-growing malignant tumor in his brain stem.....and this area is usually inoperable.  Travis left work and came home.  He found me in our bedroom and told me what the doctor said.  We hugged and cried.  We talked and decided to stay positive and take this one step at a time.  We had to wait 24 hours until our appointment with the neurologist.  It was excruciating. I tried to busy myself with kids, laundry,  "graduation," preparing for our weekend campout, but it was a constant thought.  Our appointment didn't yield many answers.  We looked at the scan pictures and were convinced of the presence of the tumor.  Our next step is to meet with a neuro-oncologist to discuss the diagnosis and treatment options.  The craziest thing about the timing of this is that our little 5 year old Ella was diagnosed with Leukemia on May 20, 2004, nearly 4 years to the day ago.  I really believed we had already cleared the cancer hurdle.  I guess that is not the case.  Please keep Travis in your prayers.  He is the love of my life, the amazing father of our 4 kids and the best person I know.  We are going to beat this!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh!!! Andrea. We have to have Mike look at his MRI (all the tests) for a second opinion! I will call you tomorrow. I know things are going to be OK you guys are an amazing family. Heavenly Father will take care of you!!! You are all in my prayers!

Rhonda said...

Andrea, I am so sorry to hear this news. I can't imagine the worry that you have been carrying around with you. If you have any doctors appts next week please give me a call and I can watch the kids. (I know you have many people that can but add me to the list). I'd be happy to have them anytime. You and Travis will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Melanie said...

Oh Andrea, I can't believe that after Ella's ordeal that you would have to face something like that again. I am so sorry. We will definitely keep you guys in our prayers.

Andrea Williams said...

Thanks for your kind comments! Travis and I are doing okay. This is something that will be on going for a long time. We are dealing with it pretty well! We love you all.

Amy said...

Everyone has said what I would say. Of course our prayers are with you, I am going to put Your names in at the temple also. If there is anything we can to to help please just ask. Know that you are loved!! Keep up the great attitude, that makes a huge differance.

Ronda said...

I am so sorry, actually I am stunned. Your family will be in our prayers-we think the world of Travis.

Angela said...

We are so sorry to hear this news, but we know what a strong team you and Travis are. You will make it through this!! I am sure there will be plenty of doctor's appointments, so please add me to the list for babysitting! You and your family are in our thoguhts and prayers!

Caryn said...

You need ANYTHING you'll let me know, okay? Our prayers are with you guys!

Kerri said...

Wow!! Rhonda let us know the update on your family and our thoughts and prayers are truly with you. We just saw you guys at the pre-school graduation and we had no idea they type of week you were experiencing ... you guys are amazingly strong!!

Bob and Kerri